Archive for October, 2009

A Vampires Reunion
Vodpod videos no longer available.

Happy Halloween.

This is what happens when you put Dracula, Edward Cullen (Twilight), Bill Compton (True Blood), The Count (Sesame Street) and Angel together in the same room.

Shingz and Boomz

From the girl who brought us the word Boomz, comes another video interview. I must say her English has improved leaps.

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes Poster

Sherlock Holmes is a film adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle most famous fictional character. Directed by Guy Ritchie (Snatch), Sherlock  Holmes is portrayed by Robert Downey Junior (Iron Man), while Jude Law (Cold Mountain, Gattaca) will play Holmes trusted colleague, John Watson.

The film is set in 1891 and will see Holmes and Watson battles using fighting skills as well as Holmes’ legendary intellect against Lord Blackwood to stop a conspiracy that could destroy the country. The film opens with Holmes apprehending the murderous cult leader Lord Blackwood, who promises to return from the dead to exact his revenge as he is being led to the gallows.

Elementary, my dear Watson?

Fixing Facebook Live Feed
[Click link to show in high definition – preferred]

As of 23 Oct, Facebook has roll out changes to your home page by offering two views of feeds: a summary view of the most interesting activity that has happened in the last day and a real-time view that shows what is happening right now. So what you do is catch up on what you may have missed while you were away from Facebook and switch to Live Feed  to see posts as they are shared. Personally, I just choose Live Feed as my default. Here is how the two feeds work:

News Feed
When you log into Facebook, you’ll see the most interesting things that happened in the last day in the “News Feed” view. News Feed picks stories that we think you’ll enjoy based on a variety of factors including how many friends have liked and commented on it and how likely you are to interact with that story.

Live Feed
Once you’ve caught up on what you missed, you can click through to “Live Feed” to see what is happening right now. As long as you remain logged into Facebook, you’ll continue to see posts and activity from your friends in real-time. You can edit what appears in this view by clicking “Edit Options” at the bottom of the home page.

The Fix
The problem is Facebook shows only 250 posts and they pick whose posts they want to show base on their algorithm. Thus you may miss important posts because Facebook thinks they know better than you. The above video shows you how to fix this limitation.

Toy Story 3

Andy has grown up and is going to college. He chose to keep Woody while keeping the rest in storage. Unfortunately for the rest, they are accidentally thrown away and ended up at a day care center where they  get mishandled by the kids. Arrgggh!

Bo Peep and her sheep are missing from both trailers. I hope she has not been forgotten. There will also be a new toy character voiced by Kristen Schaal (Flight of the Conchords) and Blake Clark will be the new voice for Slinky after the sad passing of Jim Varney.

It has been 10 years since I last saw Toy Story 2 and I am glad the toys have not changed. We may even get to see Toy Story 1 and 2 as a back to back feature in 3D to be released together with Toy Story 3. Now that would be awesomely imba.

Pupsik Studio Baby Products

I saw these on Claudia the Panda and immediately went about Pupsik Studio to order some of their baby products for Amber.

Seen above are their baby pillow, bolsters and a beansprout pillow on a taggies blanket. The second photo is of a teething bling pendant.

I do recommend their fast and attentive service. Su Ling the lady owner dropped me a mail and managed to coordinate my purchases with matching designs as I could not do so on their website.

The Prisoner

Vodpod videos no longer available.

After Mad Men, AMC may be coming up with another winner with The Prisoner miniseries, a re-make of the late Patrick McGoohan’s masterwork. Starring Jim Caviezel (The Passion of Christ) and Ian McKellen (X-men, Lord of the Rings) as Number Six and Number Two respectively, it will premiere on Sunday, 15 November.

A man, known as Six, finds himself inexplicably trapped in The Village with no memory of how he arrived. As he explores his environment, he discovers that his fellow inhabitants are identified by number instead of name, have no memory of any prior existence, and are under constant surveillance. Not knowing whom to trust, Six is driven by the need to discover the truth behind The Village, the reason for his being there, and most importantly; how he can escape.

This show reminded me of The Truman Show and I still cannot get the Jesus vs. Magneto image out of my mind.

A Million Bucks

As an amateur photographer, I enjoy reading photography related comic strips and What the Duck is one of my favorites.


Well at least you can credit Ris Low for popularising the word ‘BOOMZ’.

The kind folks at TYLER – Battle Stations, a game I play in Facebook, have gotten in the craze that is Ris Low. Join me to explore the steam punk fantasy world of Battle Stations. I enjoyed the game enough to create a fan-site at

Or you can view Ris Low’s infamous interview below.

Julie & Julia

Directed by Nora Ephron (You’ve Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally).  Julie & Julia is based on true events of Julia Child in the early years of her culinary career and Julie Powell, who aspires to cook all 524 recipes from Julia Child’s cookbook in a single year and blogging about the experience at the same time.

Go see it. It is screening at the cinemas now.